Christmas Comes Early....Heckling Project Peach

the members of project peach have all met in amsterdam, , and those fools posted pictures in the media gallery!!! chirstmas has come early this year!!

so just like for the last project (goofing on project orange animations are here ), super wu-man will be forced to heckle, harrass, and goof on this years project.

all in fun of course and to make sure these losers get lots of attention for their project, they need as much help as they can get…

so lets kick it off right with a photo, animations and more photo harrasment coming soon…enjoy!!! CHRISTMAS IN AUGUST!!! greatness has spoken!!!

Mind if I come in.

Super heroes harrasing developers of an open movie project? Sounds like Super-Wu to me and his overblown ego controlling him like usual.

I, as a Dragon, am watching you, and watch out, Because I’ll bite or even devour you.

Yay!! On with the goofing!

Minature spacecraft. More like @ndys transportation. I knew he was an alien.

This ain’t Christmas, this is Halloween god damn it. I’ve never seen so many freaks in one room at a time. I wonder how big their hunch backs will be in 6 months when they take the locks off the doors.

Aahh… let the fun begin! :stuck_out_tongue:

ok heres my contribution to the silly season -I am a master of MS Paint :smiley:

haha great stuff, and btw Paint is M$'s best product of all time, i say!!! :yes:

now people, go off and buy your very own peach dvd or two! i know i have! :smiley:

Of course paint is Microsoft’s best product this guy did the Mona Lisa in paint

gtfo my offtopic internets

Like the off topic is your forum.

And while I’m at it I’ll say I still await actually seeing a Blender image from you.

haha, best quote EVER!!!

nice image BigFan, but you will never be as great as super greatness…you knew it was right!!! my ricky martin post was bloody brilliant!!!

i hope they get more images up soon! by the way does anyone know who these guys are…
in my photo from left to right my guess is, @ndy, ricky martin?, Env, Sacha, Cessen, Fredo Baggins?..and were the hell is Ton and the Vrooom jacket!?

wat are you talking about? this is MY forum

Maybe this is supposed to be a forum for Dragons, like me:D

Oh, and Valarking, you like cats don’t you, how about this.
Oh wait, it’s Hello Kitty, the Japanese icon of cute, oh well. I’ll throw in a smashed piano.

Um, CD, this thread is supposed to heckle Project Peach, not heckle the hecklers… You must have missed the memo.

I always heckle Super Wu, I don’t always do it to Valarking (he’s not as fun to poke at).

I don’t see a reason to heckle Project Peach unless it will get them to model in boatloads of Dragons.

This was supposed to stay on topic? I’ve seen other Super-Wu started threads going every which way.

as long as i can post a image that has the quote “i was born on a pirate ship” then i dont care what happens to the thread, just as long as that quote exists in the thread somewhere then i am happy.

by the way, the thread is not completely gone to sh% until Sago shows up, then the thread is over…but not till then…

i was born on a pirate ship”…i feel so liberated…

“He was involved in a serious meat beating accident when the meat smashed his piano falling out of a helicopter emblazoned with Hello Kitty stickers outside the studio of the Apricot open movie project where everyone was mislabled.”

To sum up the thread so far.:spin:

Wow CD that’s one hell of a meat!

so thats wat the kids are callin it these days