Christmas Tree in the Desert.

This is what I have so far. I’m going to be entering the BlenderGuru Contest.
Next step lights and presents :slight_smile:

The ground looks really cool but not really like sand, more like small bubbles.
As you I’d work a bit more on the palm tree.
Here are some textures that might make it a bit more realistic:
And the ground looks really cool but not really like sand.
You could work on that.
But overall I love the idea.
Hope this helps, cheers! :wink:

Love the picture, looks great!
shifting the sun a little to the right (and a little down) and you will be using “rule of 3rds” Which might help:)

Thank you both for the ideas. Here is the image updated. I adjusted the tree and sand texture. Also I raised the sandy dunes a bit at the back. Thanks once again

I’ve decided to finish this image. Here is the final Christmas in the Desert.

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