Thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it. My dad loved Christmas and quite often, even during summer, children thought he was Santa. I went sci-fi with it because we used to enjoy watching sci-fi shows together.
I created the heart in the snow by setting the ground as a dynamic paint canvas in the physics tab and the wheel as a dynamic paint brush. And I set the armature of each robot to follow a path in the object constraint properties. The root bone of each robot was centered right underneath the wheel. Each robot had its own path that together consisted of two curves that shaped a heart.
Even though the curves were shaped like a heart, it took a lot of tweaking of the curves’ z position and adding more subdivision of the ground along the path to make the track look right.
I did add an emitting particle system for the end credits. However, instead of emitting from the whole text object, I duplicated only the front plane of the text and set it to be the emitter and made sure I unchecked “show emitter”.
Each line of text itself had a boolean modifier that was set to difference and the object for the modifier was a long box-like object that was invisible due to making sure all the ray visibility options were unchecked in its object properties. I had that object come in from behind to make the text look like it was dissolving into snow.
I broke the end credits into two parts, each with its own blend file since my laptop was having trouble not slowing down too much when having them joined.
I did add a turbulence force field object to help with the snow effect. To help with the movement I had to animate the X, Y, and Z Euler rotation of the turbulence.
I also animated the scale size of the particles settings so that snow flakes would start out small and then look like they melted away at the end.
The last thing I had to animate for the snow flakes effect was the damping property of the particle system. This helped make the snow flakes stay close to the text at first then disperse.
I hope the info on how I did it helps.
As the mastermind behind the United Federation of Ornaments, welcome to the Federation.