I have had a few requests on how to “AlphaMap and BumpMap” a metal grill. So here’s the tutorial…
Thanks Spin thats excellent.
nice tutorial, very easy to follow.
one small error i noticed on this page–> http://free.hostdepartment.com/B/Blender3D/grill/grill004.html. you have written “In the Map To tab, make sure that the HDRI button is clicked on.” i think you meant the horizon button.
it might be confusing to some people because at the top of that page you have “We are going to add a fake environment (just like a HDRI image, but we are going to use a JPEG”
Hey thanks. I am fixing that now.
Well, then I am confused too. I normally would use a spherical “fish eye lens looking” HDR image (*.hdr), but those images are quite large. So I just tossed in a rectangle shaped picture of a city instead, and used the “tube” setting.
I thought that *.hdr was completely different than the *.jpg format, being that the HDR file is actually “light”.
yeah, .hdr is completely different from a .jpg. and actually you can’t render with HDRI with blender’s internal renderer, you’d have to use yafray. the shperical format might be the confusing thing. jpgs can be mapped 360 but are not hdri images.
you probably just want to take out that line about “just like an HDRI” because what you are doing has nothing to do with HDRI, you’re just putting in an image for the chrome to reflect.
then again, i’m a total newb to all this, so someone with more experience might want to comment on this.
cheers, and again, nice tut!
awsome tutorial and thank you for taking the time to make it
Thanks. This grill tut, like the other tutorials that I have made, are reminders for myself too. I always forget steps involved on a Blender effect (like the grill). This way, I can quickly go back and see how it is done again.
Hey. That’s a nice looking tutorial. Would you like to add it to the wiki? http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Books/Blender_3D:_Go_Pro!
I think that it would be a great addition.
Hey Spin…like all your efforts - well thought out and presented. Thanks