Chromebook update broke Blender

Granted my main work is done on a laptop, but I do like to tinker with some meshes and experimenting and learning on my chromebook (lenovo flex).
Had it running in Linux okay. no problems. There was an update a few days ago and now Blender won’t load.
Tried to simply install the newest version of Blender. Finally, since I was launching through the terminal got the following error

Error! Unsupported graphics card or driver.
A graphics card and driver with support for OpenGL 3.3 or higher is required.

okay, drat. figured maybe it was a newer requirement. removed the files for 3,1 and through my linux software distro , installed an older version, which would be exactly what I was running before the Chrome update broke it.

Please, if you can help. Stupid freaking update (the update before this broke a game emulator on my husbands tablet, but this update fixed it).

so a few questions :

What blender version you were running before ?
What’s your graphic card ?
What linux distro are you running ?

Was blender looking like that (blender 2.79) :

or like that (blender 2.80) :

or what was the image used in the splash screen ?

So what Linux Distro? They seem to have changed something… Maybe from X11 to Wayland… Maybe something with lenovo flex (whatever version)… Usually Linux Distributions also say what will be changed on an update… so it wasn’t just some apps but some majar parts like new kernel … ??

i had different versions on my laptop and tablet (chromebook), but I think it was 2.92 (maybe 2.79?).
Linux is Debian 11.
not sure on this device how to find my graphics card info since there is no control panel like there would be on a regular PC or mac. I looked yesterday to see if I needed to update something and couldn’t find it.

running Debian 11. It was a Chrome OS update, not a distro update. but I did try this AM to update debian. no change

You did update your chrome OS and now your debian is broken ??
Well says minimum of OpenGL 4.3 but on my Debian 9 runs only OpenGL 3.3 Mesa 13.0.6 and Blender 3.2 works…

FYI: The OpenGL 4.3 change in the requirements isn’t accurate. It is for EEVEE Next. It was changed too early (in December) and hasn’t been reverted because it feel through the cracks I guess.

If it was accurate, it would mean that Blender wouldn’t currently support MacOS as a platform. OpenGL won’t get upped to 4.3 until Metal is working in the Viewport for Apple users IIRC.

Knowing the right blender version is important.
when going from 2.79 to 2.8 there was a big update and blender didn’t work anymore with older graphic cards.

I don’t know how blender was installed on your linux. If that was with the package manager, then maybe the update also updated blender , and then the error message make sense.

The best in that case is to stick to blender 2.79.

If that’s not it, then maybe it’s something missing in the driver install.

If you’re not sure , you can look here :
And try to find the right image that appears in the splash screen every time blender opens.
You should start by the bottom of the list.

Yeah, I had turned off the splash screen, and now since I can’t get it to load at all, and unintalled via the package installer I can’t figure out which one it was.
I did find a few things in chrome flags that should help, but haven’t solved it yet.

So far my attempts to get Linux to tell me what version of open GL it’s using aren’t working as it should. But I’m multi tasking this morning with my daughter at a medical appointment.

You can do this… in a termnal window:

glxinfo | grep 'OpenGL' | grep Profile

(in package mesa-utils if installed) should give you something like (in my Debian 9:)
OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 13.0.6

this means: OpenGL 3.3. There is also a log for the packages:

grep Remove /var/log/apt/history.log


zgrep Remove /var/log/apt/history.log.*.gz

Will show you every removed package…

based on that it looks like I had Blender 2.83