CinePaint for Windows?

Yes I did do a search before posting. But they were all old of course.

So, I’ve been looking at downloading Cinepaint but it looks like they still don’t have a binary for Windows. Is that true?

keep looking
I use windows and have cinepaint I don’t use it and cant remember from where I got it but I know it works.
take a look at

If you wait a little while, CinePaint Glasgow is going to come out. It’s first release will be for Windows also. Right now it’s about 6 months late, but it should be out sometime soon. The old version of Cinepaint, 0.21, won’t be supported for long.

What version?

well, im having a little bit of trouble with MacCinePaint, because it used to launch under x11, but now, x11 will launch, but instead of cinepaint launcing, x11’s terminal launches instead

Not to change the topic, but I have windows, and I have thought about
downloading Cinepaint before, so, what all can Cinepaint do?

It brached off of gimp some time ago… so should be able to do what gimp can do, plus be able to work with film… 32bit image…

I don’t suppose it can do any rotoscope work.:frowning:

Actually, other than better color depths and the their side-effects, CinePaint isn’t anywhere near Gimp in functionality.

I didn’t post this since we are talking “windows” here (cinepaint 0.17+ doesn’t work on windows, and only versions 0.20 have HDR support)

note: New version of Cinepaint is coming out soon, and it will work with windows.

Cinepaint supports HighDynamicRange

And that is where “Blender” come in… it can! (in 3D!!!) :smiley:

I’ve haven’t tried rotoscoping in cinepaint… but if you combine the two words “cinepaint” and “rotoscoping” on google you come up with some interesting results. :wink:

Cinepaint also handle a couple image formats that the GIMP doesn’t, like Cineon. Unless you’re working on a big screen theatre release, and need to use those formats or need the extra color depth, I think the GIMP has more to offer.

Will gimp ever support more than 8bits? I thought I read somwhere that as soon as some graphics library is complete(I think it was cairo), gimp will have support for bit depths of higher than 8bit. I think they said it would be available for gimp 2.4, but I can’t find my source again(I do remember being really exicited about reading that though).

It’s the GEGL and it won’t be fully incorporated into Gimp until 3.0.

oops…sorry…my bad…

that’s a bummer…i was really looking forward to a such a feature…3.0??? darn…:(:(:frowning:
How long till 3.0?

That is a question that no one I could find has a good answer for. GEGL has been in development for years, and the first public demonstration of it using graphics just happened recently: