Cint Eastwood...

Ah, old Clint…

Finished modeling (I think/hope)…going to start on the animation today(rigging done)…any crits?


I can see straight up who it is, which is always a good sign. Modelling is well done. The colours on his clothing go well together, are you planning to give bump/texture maps or is he kinda stylized? One comment I get a bit is to make my models un-symmetrical. It’s the logical way to start the modelling, but it adds something to a character when you mix it up a bit at the end, just minor stuff like clothing creases, which could be done with textures if you didn’t want to stuff the rigging to go change the modelling.

The eyes are very Clint Eastwood, which is a great achievement, eyes are particularly hard. Could you post a closeup render of the head/face?


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id deffinetly go for texturing, i mean why not if its allready this great why not go to the end :slight_smile:

No crits !
But a suggestion: maybe you can add a bandanna (cravat or however its called).

Impressive. You got the likeness all right. Just one tiny little detail: isn’t the head a tad too big? He’s supposed to be more than six heads tall, and I think he barely makes six.

This is an amazing job. Kudos.

Thanks for the c&c’s so far guys! To answer some questions…

BenDansie…firstly, I would just like to say that I’m a great admirer of your work! Your showreel looks great!All the best for your job interview(s)!(I aspecially love the Davie Johns you’ve made!Gives the rest of us hope for Blender!)…back to business…I would just like to say that it was not all my efforts, but a joined effort between me and AnyMation (a colleague, who is working on Rocky/Rambo at the moment). Which brings me to my next point…I don’t think I would be able to texture the clothes for now, seeing as I’m running out of time. :frowning: And unfortunately I won’t be able to make the model unsymetrical(for now…sort of did it to the face with textures, but once again ran out of time) and it also makes it time consuming to weight paint, seeing as you can’t use mirror for the unsymetrical areas…BUT I would like to finish it properly after I’m finished with the reel, so don’t think your advice is falling to deaf ears! :slight_smile: hope this also answers you comment Felix_Kutt.

Unstable…I’f you mean a bandana around the neck, I sort of did make one(did’nt really put much effort into it, sorry). You would see it around his neck, the red part sticking out, which looks like a red shirt. Sorry that it’s not the best bandana, but it will have to do for now.

Thanks again for the c&c’s, busy working on the short, but having problems with the gun and hand.(im trying to get the hand to pick up the gun and fire, but it’s not working…but I think I’ve got an answer to that…will see…?)


“Just one tiny little detail: isn’t the head a tad too big? He’s supposed to be more than six heads tall, and I think he barely makes six.”

yea, that’s sort of what we had in mind…it was supposed to be a characature of him, but that did’nt work out too well, but we don’t want to lose all of the characture…he’s actually looking much more real life that what was planed. But I’ll look into what you said and see if there needs to be changed…thanks though!

The likeness is so good that I did believe you were shooting for realism. My bad :smiley:

Yeah, umm…are you going to share the blender file, or what? just kidding. It’s probably way too valuable to you.

Hi, this is the quick clip I’m working on at the moment…
Please let me know if you have and c&c’s?

I’ve also just added a preview picture…

To be done…

I’ve rendered this clip as far as I am now. I still have to fix a few things…

  • The holster is not part of the body yet, so sometimes it floats in the air.
  • The hair isn’t finished yet. The face was changed quite dramatically, so the hair stayed behind. He also has a bold spot on his left side.
  • The neck comes through the bandana.
  • The pants goes over the belt at a time.
  • The jacket folds strangely when he fires with the pistol
  • The feet(and help here please!!!) are not rotating nicely…for some reason it goes through the floor. Not completely, but when I turn the body it looks like it wants to start sinking and the feet move into the plane…This caused me to have to not rotate the feet! Would it help to create shape bones that are shaped like the feet, or does the floor constraint only work on the centre point of the bone? And for some reason my stickys keep on turning themselves of?Even after I change them and then save the folder.Does anybody know why it would do this?
  • The particles for the gun(sparks and smoke) have not been done yet…there is only a defualt particle system on the gun for now.
  • The fingers don’t have shape keys on them yet and I don’t feel completely satisfied with the arms on how they bend at the moment.
  • Except for all this, I would like to still texture the body and create a background(maybe just a shed wall or something?) with a proper floor to stand on, etc.
  • Oh, and a big problem at the moment is that I can’t move the bones in pose mode, the just jump back. But when I take away the layers with the meshes and only show the layer with the bones it works fine…any help on this?I don’t know if I maybe pressed something?:oPlease fire away on any problems you pick up!I’m trying to get this done properly asap! Thanks!:smiley:
