Circumnavigation of the UK (maybe).

The following now applies as regards my maritime routes. As the thread heading explains circumnavigation of the UK. However to be realistic part circumnavigation for Solway Firth to the river Thames. So far 30 routes made. 25km to 45 km approx.
With the uncertainty surrounding the BGE I will make one route available for download but will probably change it each day or each few days for the next route in the sequence. My site is mainly for descriptions written around the content I make for the past ages and bygone times of coastal UK.

My site is for those interested in Maritime and or the past ages and coastal bygone times. Hopefully a few might be interested enough to reply on this thread relevant to the routes (if not locked). I will call each route version 1 starting from today. If downloading the routes they are NOT about the game element or scenic appeal.

The first route to start will be the full Isle of Man once again which I will put back online after finishing this post.

If you want a game element any amount of interactive scenarios could be made in the routes but that is not my aim. Unfortunately the BGE over the years seems a bit of a backwater. I have used Blender for about a dozen years.
Each route will have a seperate descriptive page with mini-screenshots.

Further work on the version 1 to change them to version 2, I think will depend whether they will still work within the future Blender updates as they will also be for free download. I only use mini screenshots on my own site.
Conway castle from the 20km route. This size route discontineed for now as current size is 25km to 45 km approx.

Todays route for download is upper Solway Firth. Routes are about 25 km to 45 km in size.
The Isle of Man route removed from download.
Vertices count is reasonable for terrain as ‘limited dissolve’ function used on the seabed.
Quite fascinating seeing all the creeks and inlets around coastline.
I think it will need approaching 50 routes to include the upper Thames.
Currently 32 made version 1, and if all goes well they will be made available for download in rotation one at a time.


I have listed on my site the routes that I have made in sequence order starting from the Isle of Man 00 and then Solway Upper 01, etc. These follow on after each other anticlockwise. I have reached the South Coast with route 32 Exmouth. One route will be made available for download version 1 and an active link for the routes download will rotate one after the other. For each route there should be a descriptive page eventuallly, similar to the 20 km routes.

The 20 km. size routes I have discontinued for now. I should be able to copy and paste from the 20 km routes into the 25 km to 45 km routes. The era is the age of sail up to about 1815 ‘pretend’.


Third route in the maritime coastal route series uploaded lower Solway Firth.
One route available for download but…routes are rotated…another 30. Up to 33 .
Seperate descriptive pages for each route also up to page 3 of the larger routes.
Routes are approx. 25 km to 45 km in size.
Also any number of interactive scenarios can be made for the routes by others if they wish.
Blender needs to be installed to open blend file.