Ok, superville was WAY over my head. I couldn’t do that as a game so I decided to put that project on hold while I pulled out an old project (I learned alot of new stuff from superville) So I was able to pick up where I left off. It’s this Car game where you can drive around, run over pedestrians, crash into cars and get chased by the cops. Right now you just drive a block. The city is almost done modeling and UV mapping I built a Car Chased by police logic bricks setup, and am working on a logic brick setup so when you crash into stuff you slighty damage your car.
Nah, It’s actually kinda simple, I’m trying to complete this game in just logic bricks. The hardest part is the damaging part which to do that I may have to use python I’ll just wright a script for it to use 1 frame for each level of damage and when it reaches a certain frame your car totals. I got the basic idea from an old PS2 Game called midnight racer, or something like that.
OK I’ll post the blend so far. Don’t abuse it. The Red car starting behind you is the cops. If you don’t want them to chase you turn off actory on him.
It’s pretty basic, all the “cop car” does is follow the player and a civilian car just lapping around the PS. Try making the cops a little more complex in how they work and change the civilians route (animation) make it bigger / longer and less repetitive.
A good cop should have some varied behavior and pathfinding capability.
I say varied behavior because the game would be more interesting if the cop doesn’t do the same thing every time in the same situation.
hrmmm the way I had it was just have the cop car track to the player and go forward. I’ll make an animation for it though. Like if the player take a certain route i’ll just make an animation for the cop to take like a short cut.
[edit]There won’t be many updates today due to being really busy, but I’ll try to sneak in a quick update or two ;)[/edit]
You seem pretty ambitious and resonably capable. However, i think this may just be a tad bit out of your league still. I’d be delighted if you proved me wrong. You should check out the 2.42 demo files, they have a good car example there.
Good luck with your project, i hope it works out for you = )
Not really all that complex. If you look through the demos/tuts sticky, you’ll see a few of my AI examples. It’s all pretty straightforward, and it can give you some ideas on how one can script basic behavior.
Please, don’t post updates for every little thing you add on, I mean that’s just pointless. Update only when you’ve made significant progress. That way you don’t spam the forums, and people will actually have something to give you feedback on.
Ok I’ll post another update in a few minutes just one quick question. When you make IPO’s for an animation how do you move with the ipo? All it does is sit there wherever I shot the animation without moving. =/
This is a bit of a vague answer but generally parent your item that you have made an ipo for to an empty. Then parent that empty to whatever you want. That way you can move the empty and the ipo will “follow”.