Civil War era ship (old photo technique)

Well here is the pic i did for the WC.

Its supposed to be a pic of a Civil War era ship called the Monitor. Would like to get some feed back and maybe some advice.

Nice job! I really like the old style image work.

Some crits:

  1. The ship is ytoo rounded for civil war era. Do some research on civil war era ships. They were very sharp cornered and edged.
  2. Ships of that era had a lot of steel and rivets golding them together. Yours is one piece.
  3. The water seems to be too flat. Could be just the grayscale and the noise.

Other than that, this looks very good. You are improving with every post. Keep up the good work.


looking good.

i agree with DgDM’s points, but i recognised the ship straight away(and i’m irish not american, and we only do irish and european history in school)
so your doin well.

the turret looks good. work on the main body, but if i’m not mistaken the water line should be higher, nearly right at the deck line.

Thanks for the crits. each point is very valid. I will work on them and add an update soon. Again thanks for the comments.

Without some type of reflection in the water, even a blurry dark one, it sort of looks like the ship is floating in midair - or sitting shadowless on concrete.

Good luck with the contest.

It’s looking good! I think, the turret is too tall, but I might be wrong…and I also think this class of monitor had two exhaust pipes…Everything else’s been said; Keep it up!

Here is an updated pic, edited the water, edges on the boat and lighting.

Getting better :slight_smile:

Now add some dirt/rust :wink:

Water can be improved, IMHO, the bump is very loose - I mean too big in planar scale - and it might be too strong, as for value, since I can see black and withe spots here and there

You definitely lack water reflection


(there are as many opinions as there are people)

I actually liked the water (with the lack of reflection and bumps it looked like that specialy “milky-mist” early morning condition, which I thought was cool). And, I liked the darker colours for the dock and monitor’s metal. Whilst the new water is okay (Stefano is correct in saying some more tweaking on bumps is needed), the new lighter material is actually taking away a lot from the atmosphere of the pic. The boat doesn’t look as WWII, the dock is almost lost compared to water, and the fort on the far side is hardly visible now…

The changes to the model are good! :slight_smile: And it is good you moved the front log up a bit, it is better not to see its edge this close.


Very VERY nice… I like the old style- but it definately shouldn’t be so beveled… things aren’t that smooth, even today! even submarines have more edge… but anyway, I like the picture, good effort put into this work- keep it up! :o :-? (man it’s late)