Claire Mundy

Hello everybody, this is my last project, an adaptation of a concept from Jessica Madorran
Hope you like!



Nice. You made it better than the concept. I want to see an animation or game with your kind of character. They look so nice.

Excellent work.

Thanks for the nice comments and the five stars :slight_smile:

@bigbad Yes, I have to start making my one concepts to be able to animate my characters!

This looks really nice! She has a really good silhouette too!

Lovely character! She has a very interesting expression, and I love everything, except the hands, they are too small for my taste, she hardly can grab the map

Hello! This is actually my character that Jessica did a commission of for me. You did an excellent job! Do you do commissions at all?

Wow, I’m really happy you liked it! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the blender forum. You’ll find interesting stuff here, don’t just run right away from us. :slight_smile:

Haha! Thanks for the welcome! I’m sticking around for a while!