Hello everybody, this is my last project, an adaptation of a concept from Jessica Madorran http://meomai.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Claire-Mundy-575985039
Hope you like!
Nice. You made it better than the concept. I want to see an animation or game with your kind of character. They look so nice.
Excellent work.
Thanks for the nice comments and the five stars
@bigbad Yes, I have to start making my one concepts to be able to animate my characters!
This looks really nice! She has a really good silhouette too!
Lovely character! She has a very interesting expression, and I love everything, except the hands, they are too small for my taste, she hardly can grab the map
Hello! This is actually my character that Jessica did a commission of for me. You did an excellent job! Do you do commissions at all?
Wow, I’m really happy you liked it!
Welcome to the blender forum. You’ll find interesting stuff here, don’t just run right away from us.
Haha! Thanks for the welcome! I’m sticking around for a while!