Classic European Swimming pool [Cycles]

Classic European Swimming pool :cool:
Hi everyone, I was working on this swimming pool for over 6 days, ended up with this :cool:
Blender 2.69
Blender Cycles Render
Hope you will like it :smiley:

It took about 1 hour to render with only 300 Samples with cycles render.

I also rendered this fog version :smiley:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Materials -

Very nice work prashant.

Would also say that this scene looks very nice. I like the non-fog version better. Hmm, maybe a bit depth of field could give the scene a little more depth (Havent made complex scenes yet with depth, so this is only a guess.)

thank you :smiley:

Very nice job on this whole scene.

Awesome detail in this one. Great Job

thank u everyone

topi … its awesome!!!

Your texturing rocks. The colors all tie together really well.

The only downside I see is that it looks like there’s a great big wave in the middle of the pool. That might be a trick of the lighting, but if not that wave is way too big for such a small pool. That’s more of an ocean wave, or maybe a wave caused by an earthquake.

Edit: Nevermind about the wave, I can see in your materials picture that it’s a trick of the light, not an actual wave.

naman lol thanq

Bump the contrast on the foreground up a little and we might really have an excellent piece here.

What’s really impressive is the attention to detail and the amazing texture work, you have a little tree sapling here, a warning sign there, the inner tube is a nice touch as well. Just how many maps do some of these materials use anyway?

Well done :slight_smile:

thanks everyone :slight_smile:


thanks, btw anybody liked the fog version ? :slight_smile: