thought I had posted this already tonight, but can’t find it. Apologies if it doubles up.
I’d like to try some clay renders (as I think they are called). I’d like them to look a bit like the following url (see “Clay Render” image) - not that I can yet do an image like that though.
From reading around, it appears I should use Ambient Occlusion. I’ve tried various settings , but it’s not nearly as good as that image. Should I be doing something else - adding more lights or something ? If anyone has any suggestions, I’d be very grateful.
As far as my limited knowledge tells me all you have to do is leave away all the materials, use a basic light setup (3 from different sides for example) and turn on Ambient Occlusion or Yafray skydome.
You don’t really have to change many of the settings. Just turn it on and select the add button (makes it a little lighter and not that noisy as when you’ve got both selected). And if still turns out noisy increase the samples amount…
Maybe you could even render it in Indigo That would give you some nice shadows and lighting…