I’m making a game that has a settings scene that writes data to a file and that file is accessed in other scenes and does stuff depending on the data. This is how my problem occurs: I am in the menu scene. I click on the settings button I made and I am taken to the settings scene. I set the settings to what I want them to be. In this case, I will set them to 01. I go back to the menu, I load another scene that reads the settings and it works fine. I exit back to the menu and go to the settings. Oddly, the settings are cleared from the file (originally was 01, now was nothing). I think that if I can clear the cache of that scene, when I exit from it, there will be no problem, so, Is there any code that I can add to clear the cache of that scene? note, this scene is not in a separate blend file. [video]https://youtu.be/K4tvTjsMdgk[/video]
Watch the video to understand better.