Clearing Rotation?

I’m trying to make a symmetrical model of a face using a linked duplcate of half of the face (set to -1X dimension), and I’m having an interesting difficulty. While modeling the start of the face, my mesh was moved around and rotated a lot, and while I can set the center of the object to global zero, I can’t remove the rotation of the centerpoint alone. In other words, when I Alt-R it moves the model to a position I don’t want. I think this matters because when I create my symmetrical linked duplicate, it doesn’t line up on the center of the X axis and it isn’t aligned at all…it shows up angled slightly down and slightly to the +Y direction of the original.

So, how do I go about zeroing the rotation of an already constructed object without moving the object?

Use Ctrl-A and instead of a linked duplicate use a Mirror Modifier.


Thanks for the response! I actually had tried that, and got the same result. I made some screengrabs, but can’t upload them right now. The results are identical to the linked duplicate result, ie not symmetrical.

DUH! Never mind…figured it out. Alt-R, Edit mode, A, R, G, back to Object mode. Voila! Both the invrse linked mirror and the Mirror tool work symmetrically now.