Closing a complex shell scan


This might be basic…

I’m trying to close around an object that was scanned by photogrammetry and has only the front shell (see image)
By selecting non manifolds I can go around and close little hole by filling but I can’t do this at the back because if I just fill in a straight plain it’s cutting through the front shell (the front shell is going back in some locations beyond the fill so I can see the filled face on the front)
So I basically want to add a fake rough back to the sculpture - what’s the best way to approach this? (for example if I just sculpt it I can’t go beyond the back edge)

You can do it with that feature, but we don’t know how well it will work.
It may need to be organized manually.(I don’t know what’s going to happen without doing this myself.)

You can try the meshlab (open source) in another way.
This program provides features for optimizing photo scan files.

Thank you, but that didn’t seem to change anything.
I did try meshlab and it’s doing something close to what I need, but operating on the whole model - I want my changes to apply only to the back.

To be more precise - I trying to figure out how to add a rounded back - resculpt the back of the sculpture, possibly with a sculpt option that will allow me to extend beyond the edge like adding clay to extend the form around?

so looking for a way to add the back like I marked in red, if possible by a sculpting tool? (add beyond the shell edge and close the shape around)

You can draw a curve, apply screw and delete the right half (or adjust the angle, i am not sure of the modifier’s parameters).

(maybe join and smooth afterwards)

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To use Sculpture, close the open mesh after extruding the edges.
※ The mesh must be closed to use the remesh.

After that, use a remesh to split the edges into small pieces, including the newly created parts.
This is the preparation process.

Sculpture using organized objects.

Alternatively, you can extrude the edges and sculpt them using Dyntopo.
※ Dyntopo can also be used for open meshes.
Dyntopo splits the newly created surface when it is sculpted

※ To use the material image of the object, you must bake from the original object to the Sculpture object after Sculpture. (Sculpture does not preserve UV coordinates.)

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