Closing Holes

So, I had merged several organic meshes together via boolean union, and then used the Remesh modifer. However, Remesh seems to be creating a bunch of holes in the mesh. I tried cleaning them up with sculpting mode, but it just seems to crunch them together without really getting rid of them, and in some cases results in non-manifold geometry.

Any suggestions or solutions?

Make sure before using booleans that every of the meshes used there :

  • have no internal or overlapping faces ( click on the bottom menu on “Select” -> “Non Manifold” should held to find them)
  • have correct normals and not a bunch of inverted one ( select all , press CTRL+N)
  • do not have double vertices ( select all , press W -> Remove Doubles)

Without the blend , it’s difficult to tell anything more

Well, that gives me a good start to go on. Although I’ve already saved after applying the booleans, I do have the MeshLint addon enabled, which automatically tracks down non-manifold elements.

And the organic meshes I had merged were some cave and rock “sculpties” obtained from Second Life, so I am quite certain that bits of them may be non-manifold.

Okay, turns out the meshes were just Joined rather than Boolean Union’ed, which I had done initially. That means I can go through and fix the mesh pieces before doing the boolean.