Since I haven’t been using this site for quite some time now, I would like to have my account closed. I have looked for an option to do so through the settings menu, but haven’t been able to find one, hence why I post here instead.
I can anonymise your account - this will remove any personally identifiable information. We don’t usually delete accounts as that would break existing conversations. Please confirm and I’ll proceed.
Honestly, I would prefer to have it deleted. Looking through my post history, there really isn’t anything of interest. I have contributed with one post and a single comment, and both might as well have been left out.
If it isn’t too much of a hassle, I would like to have the account deleted.
It will rename your account to ‘anonxyz’, and remove it from your posts. In addition, your email address and IP address will be removed from the database.
Okay, I would like you to do that for me. Thank you!
And thank you for running this site. I remember how much I loved it, back when I first found it. It is great - but not relevant to me more, unfortunately.