Cloth dress test (updated and easier to view)

Latest cloth test.

Lessons learned

  • Remove subsurf from cloth and body object.
  • Parent cloth object to a BONE of the armature.
  • Clear the cache.
  • Edit the animation to give a smooth, slow transition into the first keyed frame.
  • Sculpt mode works great for fitting the cloth to the body without intersections.Pappy

Parent cloth object to a BONE of the armature

may i ask why is this necessary? thanks!

When you parent to the armature, and the bones of the armature are animated, the cloth will not follow along, instead it will stay in the same location relative to the object center of the armature if pinned, or if not pinned it will be completly dependent on collisions to keep it “attached” to the underlying model.

For this test I parented the cloth to the hip bone so that it would stay in the correct relationship to the body during the animation, making the collision requirements much easier to solve.


Nice. I’ve tried a lot of these sorts of test, with varying success, but not recently with the current status of the cloth. Keep posting any tidbits of info you figure out, much appreciated!

to remove subsurfe is not a good idea, cause if you later need it for a smoother look you have to redo all.

to parent the cloth to the armature bones too, is a good idea and makes it easy to set some parts more fixed

clear the cache - thats a pain, to forget it and notice later after the cloth-calculation

for a slow transition into the first keyed frame i used a freezed (still)animation for 10 frames, so the cloth had time to settle down

  • and after a lot of fails with too heavy movements i switched to 100fps. It looked to me like it was easier to have the cloth-calculation react right in time, because the body moves were a lot smaller from frame to frame - at this point i stopped further tests, it became too time consuming for my older computer. Have anyone else tried with higher fps-rates to avoy the puncture of the bodyparts through the cloth?

I’ve no problems with adding subsurf after doing the bake. Did so for this example in fact.


That’s a great simulation, Pappy. Was it pinned at all, or just parented to that one bone?

I had a pin vertex group during early tests, but for this it was not pinned. It’s a little confusing as the first part of the simulation where the dress settles over the body still looks to me like it is pinned, not really sure whats happening there.

Another thing that I find confusing is the process for editing the bake. Currently it seems like you HAVE to run the bake to it’s end before your allowed to edit. This seems counter intuitive to me as I would like to be able to stop the bake as soon as I see an error and make mesh edits/changes to cloth settings before continuing. Am I missing something here?

Having said that, I’m amazed at the collision quality available at fairly low settings, this test has no edits and needed only about 4 sec a frame to bake on the old P4 laptop I use at home. (at a quality setting of 25)


As the animation is derived from BHV the acting had to be really funny, I guess the man was drunken :slight_smile: