cloth making script?

I know absolutely nothing about python but I was wondering if it was possible to make a script that could sorta replicate the “garment maker” modifier in 3ds max? I would think it was possible and maybe it’s already been done but is it possible?

I’ve never used Garment Maker… but you might want to check out Dynamica.

There are also Blender builds that contain cloth powers. Go here and search for “cloth”.

Hope this helps.

I look at the Dynamica link and it’s for an older version fo blender and the download link doesn’t work.

Basicly what the “Garment Maker” in 3ds max does is take this:
and turns in into this:
I don’t think it’d be too terribly hard?

Ah, I understand. You need to subdivide a plane (or other simple mesh) into randomly-distributed triangles. I thought blender had something built-in that would do this, but I can’t find it right now…

It would be easy enough to write a script to do it though. Check out the API docs and look at some examples in the .scripts directory for good examples of how to use Python in Blender.

Post back here if you need more help…

BTW. How do you intend to employ the cloth once you have it?

subdivide fractal.

Probably use it with softbodies. I’ve been told that this makes a better cloth than simple subdivision.

No that still keeps the mesh in quads. It just adds noise.
I tried using subdivision and then use the “poly reducer” script to convert ot triangles however that didn’t work too well. (distorted the mesh horribly)

Probably use it with softbodies. I’ve been told that this makes a better cloth than simple subdivision.[/quote]

If you’re just using softbodies then it probably won’t make much difference whether the underlying mesh is regular or not. The reason for using random triangles is to improve the folding characteristics of the cloth, at least visually. You’ll need full-blown cloth simulation to make use of it. Also, you’ll need to subdivide an awful lot --not the usual factor.

I’m not sure whether Blender’s cloth algorithm(s) work better with regular meshes or irregular meshes. You can try it and see what works…

I guess the next question is what are you modeling? Something rather form-fitting like a shirt or something else like a dress? Is it relatively static, like a tablecloth? Or straight like a cape?