Cloth Modifier


Trying to just do a basic cloth modifier, unfortunately it never works as smooth as the tutorials, its also very frustrating.

I made my collsion object, I made a subdivided plane, although when I press the play button the plane does not drop and if i move the plane over the object theres an attempt to collide, also though the cloth goes half way through the object its meant to collide. This is where i am stuck. I’ve done hours of various tutorials new files everything, same result unless i do a basic cube, then i get a nice result.

Any help would be greatly appriciated.

Simulations vary in accuracy depending on the size of the scene.
Set it much larger than the size of the primary object (2 m).

The link below is where you can take a lecture on costume simulation.

Thanks for the response, I have it qiute large but doesnt seem to do the trick :confused: Its parts of the model work and some parts do not. here is an example, the white being the collsion item.

Cloth simulation of the blender is an old system and performs poorly.
There is no good solution because this configuration is not something I use. :sweat_smile:

The two videos below seem to be similar environments, so please refer to them.

※ Too much Subdivision can result in worse outcomes.


Subdivision modifiers can also be used after simulation with appropriate segmentation. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh these are nice tutorials thank you! Ill report back incase someone else has this issue as well.