Cloth particles: How???

I’m trying to make a stream of money (bills) flow into a bucket.

I can get as far as creating several bills, grouped for a particle system, create a particle system and have the bills streaming out. I can get the bills to collide with the bucket: some go in, some go out, that’s fine. But the bills are stiff and kinda bouncy, and they all rotate/move from their object origin rather than collide with corners/edges of the bill. They stick in the floor upright from the origin: they don’t lie down :confused:

I don’t know how to apply the cloth simulator to either the paper objects or the emitter: It’s over my head. Anybody know where I can find a good tutorial that covers this?


I wanted to achieve the same result but with falling leaves on a ground.
If I’m not wrong, it is not possible to achieve this result with Blender particles right now. (don’t know if it is possible with the molecular addon).
What I have done is create a big cube and make it generate particles (let’s say around 500) from frame 1 and stop to frame 1. after you will duplicate your bill per particle and convert all the particles bill in real objects in the modifier panel.
After that you attache the cloth modifier to 1 bill and you simulate that bill till you achieve the result you like. After that you have to link the sme modifier to all your other bills. So you select before all your other bills and after the one with the cloth and ou make link-modifiers.
this worked for me, but… there is a but I found a problem: my cloth sim started at 1 and ended at 500; when I link it to the other bills it take all the setting but the other bills simulate just till 250 (is the default) and I’m not finding a way to make it copy also this attribute. Is it a bug?
Anyone knows why?
Sorry if I ask questions on your thread but I hope I helped you a little bit


Actually I just tried the same technique I explained but with softbody instead cloth and it worked just fine and without the problem of the frame range I described before.
Hope it helps

Thanks Piro, I’ll keep experimenting and see if I can use some of your ideas :slight_smile: