Hi there,
please I help me as I am getting crazy: with 2.81, to me, it is impossible to render a realistic cloth simulation.
I wold simply like to do something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7TdEzRwgzs
nothing PRO.
but whatever the configuration I try to use, the simulation goes weird.
- as you can see the cloth moves inside the plane.
this does not happens with higher collision parameter, but in that way the cloth DOES not touch obstacles at all. - the cloth itself seems acted by some strength, some wind, even if no force field is acting. it keeps moving and floating UNREALISTCLY
- this simple animation is with two-bones parented to the plane moving towards the plane and against a box on it. but even with 500 frames the cloth keep floating (as said in point 2) and create this strage waves.
can someone suggest me a basic “cotton” sheet simulation set up as I have wasted 3 hours for nothing?
ty vm!