I’ve joined several objects using the Ctrl+J method (an item of clothing that was imported as .obj and consisted of several parts). There don’t seem to be any gaps in the mesh. Yet the object falls apart in midair. What should I do?
What should I do?
What you should have done was supply a link to your blend file in your post
There don’t seem to be any gaps in the mesh
Have you actually checked the mesh wherever it’s causing a problem
When you joined the objects did you merge the overlapping vertices to give a single continuous mesh
How do I do that? By using Remove Doubles?
Actually, it’s not a very pressing problem at the moment as I’ve found that I can make some changes in the source software before exporting the model so it doesn’t write separate vertex groups. Another issue I’m battling with is that I’m trying to hang a piece of clothing on the back of a chair but the cloth misses it all the time as it does some weird leap in the air at the start of the simulation. How do I handle this? I believe I need to assign some weights to the top and the bottom of the cloth so that the heavier parts go down faster?..