Cloth Simulation Out of Sync with Armature

I have baked my cloth simulation (I’m using it for hair physics) and everything looks fine in the viewport. When I do a viewport render, the hair follows the head perfectly. However, when I render, the hair clips through the head as though it is not 100% in sync with the motion of the head bone.

In 2.79, there used to be two buttons “Extra Object Update” and “Extra Data Update” in the Relations tab of the Object Data panel. This is what I enable to fix these issues in the past, but I can no longer find these options in 2.81.

Does anyone have any idea why the final render would differ from what I see in the viewport? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Unfortunately I cannot upload the .blend because it is a private project I am working on.

Does anyone have any idea where these buttons went in 2.8? They fixed my issues before, but now they’re gone and I don’t know how to fix the lag…

They are gone for ever. Buttons are related to old dependency graph which has been replaced with new one which theoretically does not need extra update workarounds.

Best Regards!

Gotcha, thanks for the reply. I figured out the issue was with one of the bone constraints I have in my armature. I rendered without that constraint and the hair is perfectly in sync with the rest of the body! Now I just need to find a way to fix that constraint so I get the same functionality without the dependency issue.