Cloth simulator improvements

I’m still relatively new to the cloth sim, but is there a way to make a dynamic knot that deforms realistically with these improvements? I saw an animation on vimeo but I’m not sure who made it, or if there is a tutorial for it…unfortunately knot tutorials are all based on curves that are very perfect and cylindrical rather than realistic shapes like shoe laces and neck ties, etc.

Hi, just tried the last build because I am doing an cloth-related project, and it seems the sewing feature has a serious bug -
the sewing shrinks not only loose edges, but also neighbouring edges(which go along the side of the piece of fabric), so everything shrinks into a small clump …

‘cloth-improvement-branch’ (d7f5520) merged with ‘blender-v2.79-release’ (5bd8ac9, 2.79 release, yay)

I’m also uploading source code i’ve used for this compile.

@Hammers, I’d love to help, but I don’t have a Mac to make build for it :confused:
@cyangaze, if you mean this one, I think Luca already mentioned here in thread how he did it:

@pildanovak, sewing is kinda broken :/. I’ve noticed that using self-collision and sewing also gives weird result.
We can only hope that Luca will fix it in 2.8. He wasn’t mentioned in last two 2.8 reports…

Luca now works for somebody else as far as I heard, but supposedly still on blender. It’s probably good news…
I don’t get why the branch wasn’t merged into 2.79.
It’s great you are providing the builds! Thanks for that.

Looking at his reports on the Blender wiki, there are multiple breaks that go back to the beginning of the year.

If he was no longer working on Blender, you would think he would first inform Ton and the core team that he accepted a job that means he can’t do it anymore (as it would be kind of odd for a major developer to just abandon his projects and his communication/community presence without warning).

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anyone made linux build for cloth improvement? :smiley: really want to play with it hehhe

Thanks so much for providing these builds :slight_smile:

edit: double-post

Also thanks for the builds!

playing with it a lot lately :wink:
hitting a lot of problems all the time, especially with freezing or destabilization, but still, it’s ‘usable’. And I can imagine that with multithreading the results would be more than satisfactory.

would it mean that we get a 2.79CL (cl for clothing ?)
I wonder what will happpen to those projects that are still going on will they all make it to 2.8 ?.

Well you have 2.79CL here in this thread… I sincerely don’t get why new cloth wasn’t committed, but maybe it’s because it tends to freeze in many situations…

Yes, you know it - would be Freezing the production.

Soon @ BlenderCon & then till end of the year, probably little later, many things will clear out. Nothing is definitive yet except that “love is in the air.”

In the meantime more showoffs, experiments, opinions and tutorials would be more than welcome. Many new users are coming over.
Employ yourself :slight_smile:

Just did my very first round of cloth sim tests in 2.79 RC1. Cloth/ hair/ fluid sim is what attracted me to (fight the anti-intuitive UI of) Blender.

Cloth sim, as is, not the speediest. Scattered multi-tab jumping workflow also made my head spin. Good thing I found a few recent Mesh/Lattice Deformer hacks to animate mid resolution cloth/ mesh hair. Then while watching latest ManuelBastioniLab 1.6 hair video, he demo-ed Luca’s Surface Deformer on a pony tail.

I was so happy to have found the most elegant “realtime” deform modifier mesh hair hack so far… Thank you Luca! Good thinking!:smiley:

Didn’t even know Luca had a Vimeo channel but here it is - where Luca confirmed Surface Deformer and its target could exist on different layers! Definitely a superior solution to clunky Mesh Deformer… So much easier to deal with collision!

Can’t wait for 2.8 version of improved Blender Cloth.

Now I go experiment some more…

Are the Preset suppose to work in this latest build ?

You mean cloth presets?

‘cloth-improvement-branch’ (d7f5520) merged with ‘master’ (4b3e6cb, but without commit 2d92988 as it breaks compiling CUDA kernel 2.0 and probably 2.1 too)
win64 build:

Thanks for continuing the support for cloth improvements in 2.79 :slight_smile:

‘cloth-improvement-branch’ (d7f5520, nothing new) merged with ‘master’ (8988f38, cpu+gpu rendering is in, woo!)
win64 build:

From another cloth-related news, looks like someone found Luca(11 Oct).
I was thinking about learning git a bit more, so i could try to fix some bugs…
…but on the other side, if Luca’s still working on the branch, wouldn’t I do that for nothing?

Just in case it goes unnoticed in post:
“could the cloth please have an option to ignore polygon surface area and/or normals when calculating reaction to force fields?”
in old cloth, from what it looks like, reaction to force fields depends on vertex density and/or normals, which in cases of simulating plastic bodies sometimes is a bad thing.

Well, I can´t speak for the Blender admins, but you could submit the bugfixes as a patch on, so that Luca would be aware and possibly avoid the doublework, right? Otherwise, I suppose it depends on if it takes much of your time.