Cloth vertex parent shears


I simply want to create a rope (cloth) between two poles on which I can hang some paper pennants (cloth).

I created the rope of a edge, then hooked both ends to empties that are parented to the poles, so far this works.

Then I tried to vertex-parent a new empty in the middle of the rope. The empty follows the rope a bit but is quite off the point that I put it initially to, it seems to shear somehow. Whats the problem here?

Peek 2021-07-30 19-59

Scene File

I then later would like to hook a paper object (cloth-plane) to two empties that are attached to the rope.

It looks like the skin modifier destroys the original mesh data meaning the vertices the empty is parented to are no longer available.

The solution is to remove the skin modifier. I’m not sure how to get the line-cloth to look like rope.

Thank you, its indeed the skin modifier. Still experimenting how to make a rope of that edge. I’ll try to use simply a long cylinder and then apply cloth to it.