Cloud of vertices script

I dont know anything about programing in python…yet
but I was able to splice together 2 scripts to make one that comes in handy from time to time… so I thought I would put it out so somone else might ocassionally find it of use.

The script is basically 2 scripts spliced together, one “Vertex randomiser” written by flippyneck ( who was kind enough to let me use his script for this purpose…thank you flippyneck) and the other script was
“Galaxy script” written by an unknown author (I tried to find out who it was who authored this script but was unable to… if the original author is unhappy with this use of his script please let me know I will remove it)

Basically the script creates a small cloud of vertices, which I have found usefull for making a lot of different particle effect (such as grass clumps, plants, clouds, and explosion embers…etc)
It also comes in handy for certain halo effect.

Anyway hopefully someone else will find it useful…

It works like this…
After you activate the python script (
you will see 2 small clouds of vertices one selected and one unselected,(leave the selected one selected !!!)
(leave the python script running !!) now go to the select displacement type and select free x,y,z… ok now your ready to make as many additonal vertice clouds as you need too… by moving the still selected cloud of vertices where you want them then push the vertex randomiser button again and a new cloud will be made each time you push it…in this way you can basically paint small clouds of vertices where you want them… when your finished leave the python program by pressing the X button… then select all the vertice clouds and press control j to join them into one object (if you want to ) or you can leave them as seperate objects if you want. Thats it hope you find it usefull.

The program definetly needs work but like I said I dont know how to program python yet so if anyone who knows python has any ideas on how it can be improved please let me know …and by that I mean by code examples…thank you :smiley:

Ok everything works now … sorry about the problems earliar…

Here is the script zipped :

file not found

Apparently file forge wont let me upload the file zipped or something, so you have to copy it and paste it into a text editor (notebook for windows) and save it as in your blender script directory.

you should use

 tags instead of [quote]  ones .

got this error:

I might have made a mistake while copying it try to copy it again now.

Nothing, still getting the same error. :frowning:

How do I use code tags ?? Somehow doing it the quote way messes up the script so that when you copy it it has an indentation messed up in it.

ok everything is fixed now just download the zipped file.

How do I use code tags ?? 
       Somehow doing it the quote way messes up 
             the script so that when you copy it it
       has an indentation 
messed up in it.

Something like that . in your message, just write you code between [ code] [ /code] (remove the space after [ )

ahhhh! it works now! Interesting. :slight_smile: Gotta find some use for it!

Thanks for the info.