Cloud rendering, available now!

Something that, I bet, everyone has been waiting for. Blender supported (at least I saw the icon on the homepage).

How is this “cloud rendering” any different to any other online render farm service that has been around for the last several years?

“FELIX is the first and only cloud computing rendering solution available today. More details on their site.”
That’s what I’ve read on 3DTotal. No idea how it is different. If it was not, why would they posted that?
P.S. I have no clue about cloud rendering, never used that. I am just posting what seems to be interesting :wink:

Doesn’t seem to have blender support… well, not that I could find on their website at least.

Yeah, I see Blender’s icon, I click on it and see nothing Blender related :confused:

Most of the “supported” programs are using triangulated obj export…

Not sure how complex materials or animation will work then!

I think this is a very interesting development indeed. I don’t know if anybody else has come across anything similar before, but to me it seems Felix is the first real “3D suite in a cloud” -kind of solution.

Now the million dollar question is, I guess, if the technology is already there (in terms of bandwidth etc.) to inspire people to change from their desktop 3D solutions in to working in cloud environments (requiring Internet access at all times). The benefits are obvious, that is that you can basically lease any supported rendering engine and rendering power for your own needs, instead of buying the computers and the licenses. Until someone comes up with a similar open source solution, I don’t think Blender’s getting moved over though. :slight_smile:

I can’t wait for an open source cloud render engine that could live up to the non-cloud ones. Still, anything can beat Blender’s internal render engine.