this is just my third work in blender so far.
been learning the program for almost 2 months now.
a few notes:
*the body mesh itself was generated in MakeHuman alpha 5.1
*all clothes were made by me
*face hasnt been worked on at ALL. so was hair.
this is just BETA… might even call this ALPHA
i REALLY hope that some1 could come forward and help me with this project, since im not that advanced in blender yet and i could use all the help to learn
Nice!what about hairs?however,don’t worry about the face,if you make nice hair for him(even by mesh)he will look like cloud strife…but it is intended to be the advent children one?
Just something I would like to point out, Square/Enix uses their own proportions for their models. This is loosely based on anime proportions (small bodies, big arms/legs/heads). So by using the makehuman model, based on real human anatomy, it’ll always look slightly off. Here’s a picture to show you where they stretched/shrunk compared to make human. You might be able to adjust your model to match up more closely by following this
Don’t worry about making a perfect replica,it is quite impossible without excellent(and i say EXCELLENT)reference pictures…is the same for every thing you try to model,for example i have been modeling rifles and weapons for three months,and i never got a perfect model,even with good references.But after all,i think that perfection is a relative concept…it can even look better than the original even if it isn’t a perfect replica…
try to add details such as grunge or scratches with brushes on a base texture(i guess,the shirt is only black and cropped),but you can also use a texile pattern found on the web and then fit it to the UVs!you may also use a normalmap to add details.