Hi all
i search a way to modelise a coat of mail, i try with a mesh for the body and use duplyverts but the rings don’t turn around the body as i want :mad:
here an example :
has someone an idea ? :rolleyes:
Hi all
i search a way to modelise a coat of mail, i try with a mesh for the body and use duplyverts but the rings don’t turn around the body as i want :mad:
here an example :
has someone an idea ? :rolleyes:
I would use a texture. To make the texture I would make a swatch of chainmail, in a square area, and render it in ortho mode with a hemi light, and render it again, substituting a shadeless RGB normals material to use as a normals map. Then you would have to apply those in textures/materials, set to cube mapping, probably, and perhaps defining a tiling value in the texture buttons. You can download this material from the release notes of one of the recent versions, the one in which rgb normals mapping was included. I’m afraid, I cannot remember the particular version though, so you’ll have to search. There’s a way to make a grayscale normals map too. Instead of the RGB normals material, you would give the object a shadeless white material, make the world solid black, turn mist on, set the camera to show the limits of the mist, and set the start and end of the mist so the start is just before the object, and the end just after. I hope this isn’t too complicated, I should make a brief tutorial maybe.
i think i have download this material when it appears. thx
i can fake it, but for now, i am curious to know how to do a 3D coat of mail
the way is maybe in array or particule ?
To get rid of unwanted rotation with dupliverts, try this:
Limitation of this method is, you can make the rings flush with the surface but you will not get them interlocking correctly. :eyebrowlift2:
it’s perfect ! thx
to interlock the ring, i do two little rotation on differents axis, seems to be ok