Hi everyone, I’m kinda new to coding and I’m trying to write a code that enables me to append in specific objects from within a blendfile saved within the add-ons zip file, I read that it is something like a relative path, but I’m absolutely terrible when it comes to paths so please can anyone give me a begginer level example of what I need to do to be able to append these objects please
Once an addon is installed you can locate the path using something like:
my_addon_path=os.path.join(bpy.utils.script_path_user(), "addons", "my_addon_folder")
If you stored your blend files in a subfolder just add the subfolder as well.
my_addon_blendfile_folder = os.path.join(my_addon_path, "my_blend_file_folder")
If you have multiple blend files in a subfolder you can then get the file names like:
my_blend_file_names = [fname for fname in os.listdir(my_addon_blendfile_folder) if fname.endswith(".blend")]
If appending easy items like objects in a collection:
# example full file path to blend file
fpath = "C:\\Blender Projects\\Assets\\Objects and Collections\\Fungi\\Mushrooms\\Agaricales\\yellow stainer.blend"
# Actual string names of collections in your blend file
collections = ["Objects", "Lights", ]
# link=False to append
with bpy.data.libraries.load(fpath, link=False) as (data_from, data_to):
for obj in data_from.collections:
for coll in data_to.collections:
for obj in coll.objects:
# append to active view layer collection
Finally when using append operator:
Desciptions are a bit less intuitive.
blendfile = "D:/path/to/the/repository.blend"
section = "\\Action\\"
object = "myaction"
filepath = blendfile + section + object
directory = blendfile + section
filename = object