Code Name "G.T. Mode"

I am working On a FPS… Its a remake of a beloved N64 game… Code Name “G.T. Mode” … I can’t really post any pictures of any level, the look is very unique, i haven’t seen anyone do this style before, and im sure everyone who Loved “That Other game” will enjoy this one, Only problem is that since i am the only one working on this game Im slowing down because i cant get the Character to Move as it should, something happens to it when i Append it from a Turok game i made (No time to do another one if i want to finish this game by the end of the month)… the frame rate slows down when look around using the Mouse, I have far less on screen polygons than in My turok game, (in that game is would move smoothly) anyways, This is my first post, been reading for a long time now, so i doubt anyone whould help me, I need another Character, just the physics, and movements done, or i need someone to look at my Character and try and fix it… i cant continue adding new things till i get this done right… i would gladly help anyone who needs a level be done, i am very good at that…After i get the Character working i will post a small Movie… :wink: Thank you all, keep on the good work.

P.S I like every game i’ve seen so far, and antisipating the soon to come games, done by all you guys… good work

do you want ducking, jumping, ladders, underwater physics?
are you using rays or objects for bullets?
i just need to know these things before i can make player for you

Just the simple things, Walking Ducking… using W,S for walking fowards and backwards, A,D for sidesteping left and right and the mouse to look around… The original game didnt have Jumping… so it will be hard Adding new platforms that would take advantage of that, its a good idea… What is Ray Tracing? How can it help me more?.. Thank you so much for helping, this will give me more time for the levels… : :smiley:

Hee blender dudes, got a cool idea while I readed this topic especiealy (or whatever how to type it, please tell me how) the word underwater physics. Why not use the mist with python scripting for underwater, when you’re under a plane, or what ever, the world turns blue (only the sea bottom) with that python mist script. I saw also something in the game on the gamekit cd (bunny game, or something) that when you’re underwater, the mist chances into an another color. How did they do that? :-?

do you NEED ducking? cause i havent figured out a good way to do ducking yet

JD-multi: i already have the underwater mist thing set up on my game

Just some python scripting:)

You’re doing underwater too lizard? Grr, so are we lol.

I don’t have gamekit, sounds like they did some cool stuff!

Lizard: In which game did you add the function of chancing mist for underwater? I really want to see it :smiley:

Saluk: Yep, there are cool blend games or files for the game engine, but somtimes you need to look better to a game or file to discover new cool functions, they also add an fuction to, when you open a door, a complete new room will be vivible, and when you’re in this room and the door closed, the room you left will be deleted, when you wanlk back, the room adds again, and the another room deletes itself when the door closed again, it’s a really cool function for 1st person shooters. 8)