When will this be coded into Blender http://linas.org/gle/
Probably I’m a bit dumb. :-?
But what exactly is the difference to the BevOb-method in combination with the tilt-option in Blender?
BTW, a two rail sweap would be a nice feature and a better control of the tilt.
??? As long it can do the same as 3DS 2 and 3, it doesn’t really matter. But for this to work I think it would need polylines. I would like to see polylines because that way you can import a line that is done in CAD.
for the two rail thing, why cannot an object move along one, tracking another on another rail? Then use dupliframes on a nurbs curve, which is joined into a surface.
(the reason is if they have different lengths the speed value could have to be tweaked, some, but it shouldn’t be too bad)
If you refering tour extrudion along path and then using the face command, I already know about it, but there’s certain features that are neglated, scaling, twist and god knows what is also left out. Perhaps there’s a script that could be done, but I don’t have the brains to make one.
Scaling and twist are nicely rendered when using dupliframes.
Did you even try it or…
I try once, but I guess I forgot consant. Would it be possable to scale down Blender to be use in a GUI instead ?