I have to admit that I had the exact same issue when playing with a character and freestyle today. The semi transparent polygonal hair.
In my last piece, i had to exclude a huge part of the hair mesh from freestyle… and i got away with it, but i have a feeling i’m going to be running into that problem again and again.
For a long time, that kept me from using freestyle, so i really hope it’s one of the top priorities in the development of freestyle.
Hi, I apologize for having been so quiet lately, the patch has made it way in the trunk, there is some documentation here.
@Light Bwk, very nice renders! Yes, we can use alpha and “calculate_alpha” on the strokes, it was actually the main concern. The way the texture alpha integrates with existing alpha factors (like modifiers) is determined by the color blending mode: “muliply” or “subtract” mode will always lower the alpha, “add” is additive instead".
Just nabbed the new testbuild and I’m really loving it!! Absolutely gorgeous <3