My first 2D art in a while, this is made with PhotoShop and using Wacom Graphire2
It’s got that comte chalk and watercolour look. I like it. Oh! it reminds me, I have coffee waiting on my coffee machine. Cheers
Nice watercolor/pen efekt.
Hey, is Wacom Graphire2 different from Wacom Volito, which I use?
Yes it is , more buttons, I think one extra side button and a eraser tip at the backend which Volito lacks off, and a Driver/tool that you can you to set each application having customized settings from the tablet using different speeds, tracking, tipfeels, and on and on…this is not for Volito, though, Volito is a slimmed down version of Graphire2, I had Volito first but it had issues, left it to the store where I bought it and payed and traded in for a Graphire, more money, but also more happy, this is better !!
Damn… now this opens a brand new money hole for me. Grpahire sounds far much better tool.
I am so clad, that I’m so low on cash at the moment.
Good thing I don’t have any trouble with my volito tough, but changing it to the graphire2 would really be an improvement.
darker more brownish paper, it needs.
ok, will do =)
maybe a little outlinish stuff? clarity.
the sketch is ment to be rough !
Nice! I think its very good!(I should get a Graphire2! )