Awesome work! Would be great if you could share a screenshot of the shading nodes. Wanted to dive deep into the materials and how the furniture is so close to realism.
Thanks! The shaders are not that special, just the regular Albedo, roughness, normal and displacement maps.
I think the quality of the models, in combination with physical correct lighting is more important for this. The furniture models are from Dimensiva except for the Coffeetable itself which is modelled by the designer. Demensiva have some really high detail models over there, check them out, they got some free stuff as well!
HDRI is this one:, with a strength of 2.0 The strength of the sunlamp is set to 5 with a sun angle of 8 degrees to get some soft shadows.
On top of that I use the Photographer Add-on (, which let me easily use real photography values for exposing my shots. In this case I used an EV value of 7.0.
I’m drooling over your achievement, it’s really great. With your permission I would like to know how you arrived at this result.
1 could you reveal your lighting setup?
2 What are your gamma, AO and exposure settings, if I may? Did you use filters to achieve such a realistic result? Add-ons? What about post-production?
3 planes emit in windows? Incredible!
4 what is solar lamp
Thanks man, check out my comment on C_G question, my complete lighting setup is over there.
There are no planes emitting lights in the windows, just the HDRI + sunlamp. The sunlamp can be found by Shift + A > light > sun. And no there is almost no postprocessing done for this image, just some contrast and highlight adjustments with the Camera Raw filter in Photohop.