Collada export for 2.55

I know that 2.5 is Beta, so this may be a shifting goalpost, but is anyone able to assist with a plugin to export a model to a .dae file that will load into Google Earth?
The model that is generated by the Collada export under the Blender File menu yields errors and won’t import into Google Earth. The plugin under 2.49 had a triangulation option that the 2.5 export routine doesn’t have, and I think that may be contributing to the problem.
Just as an aside, a Blender file exported to Collada from the Blender File menu and then imported back into Blender is corrupted, so there may be a bigger issue with the routine in 2.5.

has anyone some serious experiences with collada+blender? for example production use of:
-mesh exporting
-many objects (for example a game level)
-objects hierarcy
-UVs, multiple UVs, vertex colors etc.
-skeletal animations
and so on

where is this topic???

now I tested the 2.5 collada export import…
the armature things looks unusable for serious work… :frowning:

Ok, COLLADA fails at Armatures, even though it exports them. If you export an empty scene with a single bone, it will then fail to import. Should i report this as a bug, or am i missing something?