"Collect All Files" addon

Hi, the original addon did not do that, and after a quick look, it seems @RUbben 's fork doesn’t do it either. Would be a nice feature request?

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Yes, a feature request :slight_smile:
Adding mdd, pc2 and abc file collect (maybe active addons name and version list + version of blender used) to your amazing addon will we have a full tool for project backup’s.

Too, not found file path break the script in shutil.copy line… I think adding try-except block can solve.

Anyway thank you very much for your efforts writing this so useful tool.

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thanks for the input, the version on my github has not been updated to 2.8x, you should use the @RUbben 's fork if you are not already !

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How does this prevent de-duplication of files that share the same filename, but are actually different? It happens from time to time, especially when using several bought assets.

The addon relinks data block through file path, if two different data blocks shared same filepath for whatever reason, they will points towards the new “collected” file path after collect operator

Ah, so de-duplication does not take care of identical files being used from different file paths. Got it.

I can confirm that same filename but different content files, stored in different location, get overridden in the Collected folder leaving only one of them. At least in regard to images, the addon works the same as pack- unpack functionality in blender. Tested with latest blender 3.3 alpha.

As a feature request, I would appreciate an option to manage this situation. It can be something like a checkbox in the addon properties to automatically keep/rename files that have identical filenames but different filesize for example.

Hello @tonton how are you? I wanted to know if the addon for Blender, which you mention in 2017, still works, which is used to collect everything used in the “Collect all Files” scene. Is it still working?, since I can’t find it.

Thank you so much!

Hi i’m fine and you ? unfortunately i didn’t have time to maintain it recently, but you can still find it here :

I strongly suggest you to test it with dummy file before real life files, i really don’t know if it will be working ^^
If you test it don’t hesitate to post it here, if you narrow some bugs, i may be able to fix them for last versions of blender.
But honestly, the addon should be rewritten from scratch, i was really a bad pythonist back in the day :slight_smile:

Super cool script - did exactly what i needed to get it onto a renderfarm.
Had to do a bit of Frankenstein-ing to get it to work in Blender 4.0 but i wanted to share if someone needed it.

Do note that the script makes and error if you have some assets that are not linked or cant be found. Locate or remove these to make it work.