CollectionProperty's "active" property

Where does the “active” property for a CollectionProperty object come from?
I ask this because it’s apparently needed to get that type of object to show up in a a drop down style widget in a panel.

def draw(self, context):
        scn = bpy.context.scene
        layout = self.layout
        row = layout.row()
        col = row.column()
        obs = scn.objects
        col.prop( obs, "active" )

I’ve searched by way of dir() and type(). I looked up documentation of bpy.types.CollectionProperty and it’s parents classes Property and bpy_struct. I didn’t find any property called “active” anywhere. Where does this come from?

Oops, never mind. Found the “active” property in the dir() on the object collection. Chalk this up as one of those “DOH!” moments.

can you show what the solution is !
