I’m not a very good game maker, but I recently did a tutorial (the one with the car that drives around on some hills) and I" rather frustrated with my floor. No matter what combination of bouns (static triangle, convex hull polytype, box, none) I can’t get the car to stop falling throught the floor. I’m quite perplexed, as when I put a plane under the car, it hits the plane and stops just fine. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem with the physics? I’m running OSX(10.4.8) if that’s any help.
hm… send me the file on [email protected] i´m using mac osx 10.4.8 too… i can see if the same problem is on this one, and if i can find a problem
You’ve probably done this, but press ctrl-a (or, uh, the mac equivalent:D) to apply the scale and rotation. Also be sure to check the face settings on your mesh and make sure ‘collision’ is selected.
That’s not much help, but maybe…:eyebrowlift:
lol, it’s control a on mac too. I don’t want to seem stupid here, but I was not aware that there was a collision button, nor have I needed to press it in previous games (well, game-lets XD) of mine; I assumed that a dynamic actor would automatically colide with stuff. I also made a maze game, which works fine, and the floor wasn’t even an actor, which is why this is so confusing; if that game worked, why not this one?