Collision problems

I have a static object and a dynamic one, both fully working. But when the dynamic object hits the “wall”, the object gets pushed away. Is there any way to fix this?

what is the dynamic object doing? If you are using it for a character then you should try to use character physics.

adjust the margin

Your description sounds like you are teleporting the object (explicitly set the location) rather than applying physics influences (velocity, force).

You now think this: :spin: ?

Lets follow the arguments -> what happens when you teleport into a wall?

Ok, ok in real live we do not discover such a situation. This is no real live. So the Physics engine has to solve it somehow. It will try to apply a force that pushes the object out of the wall (be aware walls have no thickness). This can easily result in very strong forces / velocities. It can even result in the other side of the wall.

Suggestion: move via velocity or forces.

Technically in real life collision is an object pushing back with equal and opposite forces against an object that is exerting force upon it… When I had issues with dynamic objects and collision, I discovered that I had toggled (or by default this was on) “Lock Translation” on X and Y axis for the object. ( Under the physics panel) this results in glitchy collisions and going through walls. If that doesn’t fix the issue, I recommend posting a simple blend file. It can be easy to unintentionally mess up collision when working in the physics panel.

I’ll explain better. It’s just a simple object that moves with the arrow keys and a static wall. As I said, when the object touches the wall, it just slowly moves away from it, rather than staying there.

I recreated the problem on a simple blend file.

The motion controllers you use, do the following:

change the loc to linear velocity.
you got loc at 0.1 put the LV at 1.0
also hit the little L button next to the LV.