Color Issue - Driver - Scene vs. Sequencer

Good Morning (German time),
so I thought it is a good idea to store some colors I use over and over again in my project in some fancy custom properties. So far so good. I created a scene called colors, created the props, set the color via drivers and applied them to materials in my scenes and the colors are go!

However… now I have some color strips in the sequencer and I thought, heyyyy… lets use this colors from the props. So I set the drivers and … the colors are off. They are just not the same…

What is wrong here? Why are the colors different. Is there a different colorspace in the sequencer?

When I manually set the colors via hexcode in the sequencer, it works fine. The are colors are only off, when I use the driver method.

Makes me sad…

Depends on your color management settings. The only way to get accurate 1:1 colors is to use Standard with no look

I haven’t changed anything in the colormanagment settings of the sequencer scene.

If you’re using default Blender, your color-management will be Filmic, so you’ll need to change your color management settings :slight_smile: