Colorband Animation

I’m trying to create a animation showing a wall or floor rot away a la Silent Hill. Using a cloud alpha as a fade transition from one texture to another creates the perfect effect, but apparently you can’t key the cloud texture colorband. I’m not clear on why this is.
Without the ability to animate the colorband transition, the only alternative I see is creating an animated texture sequence which could involve 200+ frames, hand drawn.
Anyone know of a workaround to this problem? Anyone know why Blender lacks such an important ability? :confused:

you could do it this way: give your object UV coordinates ( unwrap it ), then bake the colorband tex to an image file, then change the colorband tex, bake to a second image file, load those image files as textures, and key the influence.

i think i’ v see one last week like
called alpha transparency

just add your color ram[ and to the texture then add an empty and in F5 under map in add this empty as object

then you can map it to alpha and animate the empty this should make the tecture go away slowly !

happy 2.5

Interesting idea, I’ll try that. Thanx…:slight_smile:

Appreciate the all the responses. Very helpful! Thanx…:slight_smile:

P.S. I’m not completely sure because I’m still learning the controls of 2.56a but it appears that color bands can be animated in this version of Blender. I’m verifying this right now…:slight_smile:

yeah, I am still in the dark when it comes to 2.56, I should have checked. It occurs to me that there are also things that could be done using nodes.