Colorband tutorial.

A quick and dirty colorband tutorial.

beat ya to it (i.e., i made this one a year or so ago)

Hey dittohead. I tried that link, both by clicking on it and by copying and pasting it into the browser address line. Tripod says there is now such page!!!

Hey dittohead. I tried that link, both by clicking on it and by copying and pasting it into the browser address line. Tripod says there is now such page!!![/quote]

Uhm, maybe it’s because this link was posted almost a YEAR ago? Geez, stop bumping topics.

thanks valarking :smiley: :smiley:

always wondered how that worked, now i know




I was not purposely bumping up topics, and yes I did not notice that it had been posted over a year ago. I was interested in this tutorial becasue I am still mystified as to the use of the colorband option.

I simply did a elysiun search on colorband and noticed that this thread had a tutorial listed. I thought that elysiun forums were here to help and share work for all blender users. Novice and expert alike.