Colored code?

No no no. Put a line with ``` (that is 3 grave accents, the ones that go like \ , alone in the line) above the code, and another such line below. That seems to work. And in some cases, wrapping with [ code ][/ code ] too, but it seems to apply different colors or go without color. Preformatted could be something else (and dumber).



Blue word.



Plain color (white in the dark theme).

Accents, different text:

bl_info = {
  "name": "addon name"

Some parts have color.

Tags, different text:

bl_info = {
  "name": "addon name"

Some parts have color.

WTF. Weird.

Now what I think you did: writing, selecting and hitting the Preformatted “button”:


No color, but text slightly to the right, like half the width of the c letter.

What about the one that looks like code and works with ``` or [ code ]?

bl_info = {
  "name" = "addon name"

Plain, just the slight offset to the right again.

Conclusion: write ``` (Markdown) or [ code ] (BBcode) and check the side preview uses colors. Maybe it’s something that needs to be configured by admins so all three work the same way.

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