Colored Shadows....

Greetings all!

I am new and I have searched to see if this question has come up before and I have not been able to find it, so here goes:

I have a glass bottle I have modeled and it is green. I render it out and the glass part of it looks great,however the shadow from the bottle on the tabletop I have it on is just a regular shadow with no green tint to it. How do I go about getting a “realistic” shadow that is the color of the transparent material that is producing it? Like the light coming through a stained glass window would cause the light to be the color of the glass as it falls on object in the room.

Another question, remember this is coming from a newbie…Is it possible to scale in both X and Y without scaling in Z, or any other combination thereof?

Thanks in advance for any answers and advice you can give. :smiley:

Select the object that is receiving the shadow. On the shaders tab press the “Tra Shadow” button.

It’s not going to look the way you might think though. You might want to find out what caustics are. Google it, or do a search on these forums.