This is the final render of a project I posted in the works in progress forum. Most of the suggestions made were posted after I had already started to render so there weren’t many changes made from the preview. More info available on my website. The previewwas featured on the website.
I like the way it’s keyed to the music, the fluids are cool although they could be a little more… fluid like. I mean more droplets and higher resolution. Oh and also you can use the video tags so that the youtube video appears on the post. (video]link here[/video) replace the curved brackets ( with square ones [
This is a great idea Herotech! I enjoyed watching, but wished the whole time that the camera had some movement to it, maybe also affected by the music? Also, what renderer did you use? It looks a little primitive like it was just Blender Internal with standard settings. A few little tweaks or maybe a second party renderer like Lux or Yaf and this thing would be an eyegasm!
Thanks for your comments. I would have love to have done this with a high resolution fluid. I would like more colors. But I have to be mindful of render times. The render is blender internal. I’ve only used blender internal and cycles on my projects so. I wouldn’t consider anything else right now unless it was faster. I have time constraints right now. I really would have liked to see this with caustics but cycles would have taken to long to get the quality I wanted.
Great video and its very long. Thanks for showing.
Its my pleasure! Thanks for taking the time to watch and for the kind comment