Hello Blender experts,
I’m trying to figure out how, if possible, can I use distinct colors for objects in wireframe mode.
i don’t think you can assign color to individual objects in wireframe view. But you CAN change the color of all the objects under wireframe view (using the THEME pull down menu)
What do you mean
1 object <–> one color ?
or have different color for different part of the wire frame on one object only ?
Right now, Blender doesn’t support colored wire frames. They’re good for organizing a very complex scene (particularly if you want to animate it. Things run much faster in wire frame view). It should be very easy to compile- venomgfx recently made colored lights in edit mode possible.
I mean if it is one specific object you can use a script to convert the wire frame into a tube frame and then apply color to each tube as you wish
That’s why i ask the question !