Colouring part of a mesh

I’m trying to colour one part of a mesh white, while leaving the rest black - seemed simple enough. :wink: You might call the shape of the mesh a “curvy deformed tube”, so what I did was (amongst other things), fire up gimp and drew out roughly the pattern that I need, but after playing around for many moons, I have not been able to get it aligned even close to how I want it.

This is such a simple thing, and I have trial and errored, and googled my butt off, and yet still no success.

To be very specific, what I’m doing is trying to bring a model of the linux penguin, Tux, in from 3DS (which I gleaned from, and I got the mesh converted nicely, but lost the white on his chest.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

in f10, there is a button which says “add new”. select the verts you want to be white, and then add new material. go to material buttons, and change it from white to black. i think trhats right, i dont have blender on this computer so i cant test it.

hope i helped


Thanks Gfx, I was afraid that was the answer. :wink: The problem is, if I use a vertex group, I can’t get (easily) a smooth edge on the colour, I think I’m missing something obvious here, but is there a way to select a vertex group, and then have it smooth the edges of the selection? I tried (and tried…), but I just couldn’t get it to do it for me, I tried doing it manually, by joining points on the mesh, and adjusting them, but it was incredibly time consuming, and I wound up making a mess. lol


Note: Today I was this: discussion which is on a similar topic (I didn’t find that one while searching previously)

Try using the tex paint tool, or UV mapping it. Also, there is another thread here from this morning that deals with multiple material indices. Another possibility: Vertex paint tool.

Thanks for the help guys, I can’t say as I understand the whole painting technique yet, but I’m getting there.

I seem to have dropped the Tux project for now in favour of another - I’ll likely be posting a CF-104 in the WIP later tonight (Where I did use the tecniques that you guys were so kind as to point out. :))

Thanks again!

It seems like there is a way to smooth multiple materials by using the blend texture. perhaps someone else knows about it, but I vaguely remember seeing a tut.